Is first aid going away in Battle for Azeroth?
Do we need First Aid anymore?
New character slots are live in WoW, plus plenty of bug fixes
Yesterday saw a bunch of hotfixes to World of Warcraft, but the hotfix list just scratches the surface of the bugs Blizzard has squashed since Allied Races joined the game.
Good news! WoW’s Allied Races will unlock account wide
If you've been looking at the process necessary to unlock the Allied Race of your choice and worrying that it meant you'd have to dust off a character from the desired faction and do certain achievements you already have on your main, don't worry.
Are you ready to unlock Battle for Azeroth’s allied races?
Are you looking to play a Void Elf in Battle for Azeroth, or indeed any of the Allied Races -- Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei or Nightborne?
What’s your favorite kind of achievements?
We need more squirrels to love.
Pet battle tabard and universe-spanning quest discovered in patch 7.3.5 PTR files
Sometimes I find myself wishing that magic were real.
Have you been collecting tier sets?
I may be just a little obsessive about transmog -- no, let's face it, I'm really obsessive about transmog.
Do you still run old content?
I don't need anything in Ulduar.
The Day of the Dead is in WoW for the next 3 days
The Day of the Dead is a very short holiday in World of Warcraft.
Breakfast Topic: What’s your best achievement?
I think one of the best things that WoW ever introduced has been achievements.