Heroes of the Storm free hero rotation and sales for September 22

Every week Heroes of the Storm has some heroes you’d usually have to pay for that you can play for free in the free hero rotation, plus a number of heroes and skins on sale in the weekly sale. It’s a great way to try out new heroes without committing to buy, as well as grabbing new heroes, skins, and mounts at bargain prices.
Let’s kick off this week’s new rotation with an epic poem from our resident bard, Mitch:
Who best to lead other than Tyrael,
Or maybe Kandy King Muradin, who’s sweet,
(But not as sweet as sugary cereal)
And whose leaps are pretty are neat.But if you want to cause a hero’s downfall
And move the earth in two,
It might be best to play as Thrall,
‘Cause Raynor might annoy you.But if you want to play support,
Kharazim has got more than one trait,
While Tyrande and her teams have a good rapport,
And both heroes can bring on the hate.Lastly, there is mecha-specialist Gazlowe,
Whose merc-clearing will make you cry out, “Whoa!”
This week we have Kharazim in the rotation for the first time, so if you’ve been on the fence about this support character you’ll have a chance to check him out. And don’t forget that the game’s latest hero, Rexxar, will be dropping to a 10,000 gold price-point, so if you’ve been waiting to nab him, now’s the time — and perhaps with his recent hotfixes, he’ll be more appealing to would-be Warriors.
Now, on to this week’s free heroes:
- Raynor
- Muradin — check out our guide to Muradin
- Tyrael — check out our guide to Tyrael
- Thrall
- Tyrande
- Gazlowe (Available after you reach player level 12)
- Kharazim (Available after you reach player level 15) — check out our guide to Kharazim
If you need a starting point, check out our assassin guide, specialist guide, support guide, and warrior guide for quick rundowns on each hero.
If you’re in the market for new heroes or skins, here’s what’s on sale this week:
- Chen — Sale Price: 4.99 USD / 4.99 EUR / 3.69 GBP
- Warmaster Chen — Sale Price: 3.74 USD / 3.69 EUR / 2.70 GBP
- Blood Elf Tyrande — Sale Price: 4.99 USD / 4.99 EUR / 3.69 GBP
For those in the Americas, we’ll have an additional sale lineup of five heroes — Jaina, Tyrande, Muradin, Zagara, and Malfurion — based on the winning team from this weekend’s Americas Championship.
Our team had some thoughts on this week’s free lineup:
Anna: We saw a lot of Raynor, Tyrande, and Muradin at the finals this week. Muradin is mostly because multi-warrior teams are the new trend, and he has a good amount of mobility for a tank. Tyrande saw a lot of action because of her trait, and because her owl gives her really good visibility and poke. Raynor seems to be an outlier but with that level one talent, Seasoned Marksman, he’s both a fantastic choice for lane clearing, and if you screw up a bit in the early game, it helps him scale really well and even the score late.
Alex: I’ve gotten over my hatred of Raynor because I realized I don’t have to completely pay attention to what I’m doing whilst playing him. He’s now my “play a round of Heroes while watching cartoons on Netflix” character. Raynor being boring now benefits my pointless multitasking.
Anna: He’s boring, but late game he can own face. Just make sure you keep an eye on your team so you’re not That Guy hanging in lane while they’re fighting 4v5 over objectives.
Mitch: Tyrael’s my favorite warrior hero primarily because he’s a good balance of tank and DPS. If you spec him right you can deal some pretty hefty AOE damage and clear out waves. Or, save up your attacks for some nice burst on unsuspecting enemies. Tyrael’s movement abilities are what really set him apart. He’s one of, if not the, most mobile warrior heroes in the game.
Mitch: Kharazim, meanwhile is a really fun support class. Though, it’s hard to really call him “support” as he can’t usually out-heal dedicated support heroes like Li Li or Malfurion. But if you need a support daily and want to go DPS, Kharazim can dish out damage pretty well.
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