Blizzard WatchSep 1, 2017 9:03 pm CT
Blizzard Watch Week in Review: All things patch 7.3

The release of patch 7.3 means tons of new content, lots of game lore, and plenty to do — and that’s just one of Blizzard’s games. If you can pull yourself away from WoW for a few minutes, though, we have all of the latest news from the past week so you can catch up on all things Blizzard.
Coming up
- Another weekend means another weekend in esports! Check out the schedule so you can keep up.
- Somehow it’s already September, which means a new month of events in WoW, starting with the Darkmoon Faire this Sunday.
- The Call of Kel’Thuzad event kicks off next week in Heroes of the Storm with the arrival of Kel’Thuzad himself.
- And if a new hero and event weren’t enough, Heroes of the Storm’s third season of 2017 kicks off next week, too.
Patch 7.3 is here!
- Here’s everything you need to know.
And patch 7.3 means patch 7.3 hotfixes
- The latest hotfixes barely touch on Argus content, but do nerf Mythic Fallen Avatar for those working their way through Tomb of Sargeras.
- Nightfallen rep gating removed from Suramar campaign, which is good news for your alts.
- This batch of hotfixes bring quality of life improvements to Argus… plus you can again gouge out Gul’dan’s eye when you defeat him in normal or heroic Nighthold. Yuck.
- And don’t forget the undocumented changes, which may or may not be intentional (and may or may not get their own hotfixes).
Catch up on the lore leading into patch 7.3
- Know Your Lore: High General Turalyon
- Know Your Lore: The Fall of Argus, Part 1
- Know Your Lore: The Fall of Argus, Part 2
- Know Your Lore: Velen and Kil’jaeden
- Know Your Lore: The Flight From Argus
- Know Your Lore: The Eredar
- And for the roleplayers, here’s what you need to know about RPing as a member of the Army of the Light.
Finding the secrets of patch 7.3
- Hey, Hunters! Here’s how to tame Panthara on Argus.
- Secrets Discord is hard at work on the Lucid Nightmare puzzle (aka patch 7.3’s Mind Riddler).
It doesn’t matter what game you play, play nice
- Blizzard has sent out a banwave for Heroes of the Storm players who AFK or engage in other bad behavior.
- Overwatch competitive Season 6 has begun, and Jeff Kaplan wants to remind you to play nice, as best expressed in the latest (NSFW) video from Dinoflask.
Meanwhile, in Overwatch
All things StarCraft
- Dehaka is here! No, we aren’t talking Heroes of the Storm: Dehaka is now available as a co-op commander in StarCraft 2.
- Looking for something a little more retro? StarCraft Remastered has received a fresh round of bug fixes.
A blast from the past
- Whether you’re a nostalgic or a newbie, we think you’ll enjoy our look back on WoW’s Icecrown Citadel.
Are you playing Destiny 2?
- The game is nearly here, so it only seemed right to bring you up to date on the game’s lore.
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