BlizzConNov 7, 2015 12:05 am CT
BlizzCon 2015: Day 1 Roundup
BlizzCon 2015 Day 1 has come to a close, and boy howdy, was there a lot to take in today. If you are just now catching up or want to make sure you didn’t miss anything, we’ve got you covered! Below you’ll find a list of all the articles published today. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more BlizzCon coverage from Blizzard Watch.
Warcraft movie & Misc. BlizzCon
- BlizzCon opening ceremony live blog
- Warcraft movie trailer released
- Activision-Blizzard opens a film and television studio
World of Warcraft
- Legion panel live blog
- Legion panel images
- Legion intro cinematic looks incredible
- Broken Isles leveling scales to you
- Cosplay and talent contest pictures
- Legion artifact weapons for all classes
- New moonkin and
demon sealsea lion forms coming - Legion beta coming “weeks” after BlizzCon
- Legion challenge modes offer alternative to raiding
- New World of Warcraft endgame system
- Pre-order World of Warcraft: Legion now
- Mana Kitty Make-a-Wish Foundation pet coming soon
Heroes of the Storm
- Heroes of the Storm panel live blog
- Heroes of the Storm arena mode brings the best kind of chaos to the game
StarCraft 2
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