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Blizzard WatchFeb 10, 2015 7:18 am CT

Last week on Blizzard Watch: Now our watch begins

Today will mark the one week anniversary of the existence of Blizzard Watch. We couldn’t have done it without your incredible generosity, pushing our Patreon over the full operations milestone in less than 12 hours. What better day than Tuesday to give a recap of our content so far?

Blizzard Watch site updates and announcements

I think those of us here at Blizzard Watch will be looking back at the posts below for a long time to come. They stand as a testament to how quickly this process moved.


World of Warcraft

If I had to pick one of my favorite things about the launch of Blizzard Watch, it’s having Allison Robert on our team again. The first link in this list should tell you why.


Other Blizzard titles

We’re just getting started covering Blizzard games beyond of World of Warcraft. Rest assured, there’s more to come.

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